0.3.X only. removed from 0.4.0+
is a dTerm minimizer based on how high dTerm is at any given moment. It will reduce dTerm when it is small, but will allow full dTerm when it is big. A value of 0 is off. Default is 5 (0.5%) on Roll and Pitch, 0 on Yaw. Maximum allowed is 250 (25%). Smoothing mathematics does not cause delay.
You may enable debugging with set debug_mode = SMART_SMOOTHING
When tuning from scratch, you may turn this off.
Racers may want to turn this off.
set smart_dterm_smoothing_roll = 0
set smart_dterm_smoothing_pitch = 0
set smart_dterm_smoothing_yaw = 0
set smart_dterm_smoothing_roll = 5
set smart_dterm_smoothing_pitch = 5
set smart_dterm_smoothing_yaw = 0